November 2010 - Moving ahead

Everything is moving forward!  Gemma is recovering well with her new trach and she is handling position changes well.  Being ET tube free is allowing her to have more mobility, her physiotherapists are working with Gemma to sit her up supported, trying to encourage her to wiggle and lift her limbs.  A belt was made for Gemma to keep her trach centered for when she has cuddles or sitting in her tumbleform chair.  It is nice to see Gemma get to do things she couldn't do before!

Now that Gemma has had her trach surgery it means getting ready for nursing training to prepare us for going home!  Yes, those amazing words we longed to hear for many, many months!
Our Vancouver townhouse with stairs, stairs and more stairs was definately not going to be suitable for Gemma coming home with a special wheelchair so we had to sell and move, asap!

When it already seemed like a lot of adjustments were happening, we were thrown another curve ball when Charlie lost his position with Disney after five years.  His project was canceled, the whole team got laid off and then shortly after the entire Vancouver stuido shut down.  At first it seemed like the worst possible timing but then it occured to us that it was a blessing in disguise, it was the best possible timing!  Charlie was able to be around after the trach surgery, he would have time to do the nursing training that was provided during the day by the hopsital, he would be able to help sell our home and help us find a new place.
We lucked out selling our home and shortly after we found the perfect home for Gemma, a ground level home with lots of light, a big bright bedroom with a washroom for the nurses and a private garden.  We moved in November 22nd!

Getting Gemma home is becoming closer, we are moving ahead!

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