The beginning

Hi everyone,
On Thursday, February 18th, I went in for an emergency caesarian at 31 weeks gestation. Our baby girl Gemma was born 9 weeks premature, at 3lbs 4oz and needed to be resesitated at birth.

She is a week old today and it has been a difficult week of obstacles but every day she is growing stronger. Gemma was born with many difficulties, including fractured legs. She wasn't moving very much after birth and the doctors told us within the first few days that she might not be 'compatable with life' and wanted to do an MRI to see if she had a 'neurological muscular' disorder. Luckily the head scan appears to be normal. There are a lot of unanswered questions and right now we are waiting on a few other important tests to come back that will hopefully give us some more answers.

Gemma is still not breathing on her own but in the last few days has started to make an attempt. She had chest drains inserted to drain some air outside of her lungs and that cleared up so those tubes were removed last night. She has a little bit of jaundice but she hasn't needed very much phototherapy. In the last few days she has started moving her hands, wiggling her toes and opening her eyes. Every day she has been showing improvement, she is such a fighter.

We are remaining hopeful and strong, thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.
Love Amanda, Charlie and baby Gemma

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